Friday, December 7, 2007

#23 Yea!

Favorite discoveries: Avatars were the most fun and I didn't know they existed; RSS feeds for later when I have time to spend on the Internet at home (and have a high speed connection); Picture editing on Picnic and Mashups were fun. I have no time for all of this now. Might use the picture editing and mashups for library posters if I can remember how to do it.

Assisted lifelong learning goal: Became better acquained with the world of technology.

Takeaways -- Unexpected Outcomes -- I now know a lot more about the "modern world" than I did. That was the most beneficial aspect of the 23 Things and I think it is the overview which will be helpful for library patrons who are not up on all the different technology out there but have heard and wondered about.

Ideas for using at HCPL: "New Books on Our Shelves Wiki" to let patrons know what is new; online sharing of book musings -- online book idea exchange or book club (which the teens have but I don't think we have it for adults)-- would be a good way to share thoughts for a "big read"; MTV vidio as a library marketing tool; tagging as a reference tool.

Other Things to Learn: more indepth understanding and or practice with using most of the things we looked at. I feel like I really only had time to get an overview and for me to become a real user of any of these "things" I'd need to spend a lot more time on each than I could really afford in this training. I see it as a good introduction but I need more help and a slower pace to really become proficient in any one of the functions we were introduced to. I often found it frustrating because trying to figure out how to do something could be very frustrating and time consuming and I often felt I was spinning my wheels.

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