Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 6 #15

I read all of the discussions and found them interesting. It makes me think of the early days of media -- the Media is the Message -- it took 40 years to get there and most libraries are not there yet. Certain segments of society will be on the forefront, especially the affluent but I don't see rural Texas libraries being in a position financially to participate fully. In response to the Iceberg -- my generation will need to die off before books disappear from the scene. It is great to get all kinds of information online, I love it but when it comes to reading a novel, I want a hard copy. The other acceptable option is to listen to a novel. I know that many library useres have no interest in using electronic books, even younger users, and some really like the idea. So I think for many years to come libraries will have to continue to cater to the needs and wants of a wide range of information access preferences.

Cooperation -- I really like the idea of the Open Worldcat. That will be great!

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